Digital marketing is a BIG bucket of various marketing techniques and tools used to connect your business either directly (outbound / push) or persuasively (inbound / pull). Although ‘digital marketing’ has its own hat to wear to the party, it’s a guest that’s always there (regardless of an invite!), either quietly or loudly singing your praises… a VIP of the marketing world.

The following areas of digital marketing are likely to be in most of our clients marketing strategies in some way or another:

SEO aka Search Engine Optimisation 

Quite simply we help you to master the SEO of your website and content you create. SEO is optimising content for search engines. It’s more than making sure your website can be found, it’s understanding how your ideal customers might find you, the pain points and questions they research and how your business can be found organically by the right people at the right time.  

After the initial SEO set up and strategybusinesses benefit from regular SEO maintenance, a review of areas to bimproved on a quarterly basis to ensure no technical issues interfere with the progress of your hard work. 

Social Media Marketing  

Think of social media as an easy way to have conversations with the world. We use the word conversation, as too many businesses get social media wrong and use it purely to promote. We prefer to talk WITH, not AT existing or potential customers.  

In addition to creating conversations social media is a powerful tool to gain market insight and reach new audiences quickly. Utilising paid advertisements, creating community-driven groups and enhancing the leverage of influencers make social media a powerful and strong vehicle to springboard your content, promotions and key brand messages.  

Email Marketing 

Regardless of your product or service, there’s always a need to engage, or reengage with your prospects, customers and subscribers. Email marketing is a great way to share news, content and promotions with prospects or customers throughout their customer lifecycle and is one of the most effective ways of increasing brand loyalty and nurturing the sales process. Regardless of whether you want to go down the route of automation, or not – email marketing can be a free and effective way to increase sales, awareness and brand sentiment. 

Due to GDPR businesses have become more hesitant on the management and communication to their data. By working with us, you can feel confident that the correct procedures and data management steps have been put in place BEFORE pressing send. AND, if you feel that your existing list of data could do with a boost – we can help you grow your CRM (customer relationship management) with some simple content marketing and lead generation steps. 


Gone are the days where you’d need to spend a bucketload of money in a print advert, or on a billboard or via TV to reach a lot of people. Using social media adverts known as PPC (pay per click) or search engine marketing (SEM) you can be seen by the right people – at the right time. The best adverts regardless of the platform are ones that put the customer first, either answering their question, or giving them a discount that speaks to them directly. That’s why audience targeting and pairing this with the right content (and the right context!) is key to success. 

As PPC and SEM specialists we work with your budget and goals to create campaigns that are the right fit for your audience. We understand the nuances of how users search online and how they interact with social media. Utilising our experience of buyer behaviours and bid management we optimise your adverts regularly to ensure you’re not paying over the odds to reach your goals.  


Content Marketing  

Content marketing looks different depending on your business and your intention, but one thing remains the same – your content is (should be!) at the heart of all your marketing.

Blogs, whitepapers, cheat sheets, downloadable guides, videos, infographics, slide decks, templates… the list is almost endless. If you create content that shares knowledge, humour, inspiration or entertainment your business will find the rest of the marketing elements becomes a whole lot easier. Your content is the key element that other marketing tools rely on, as an example – an email without a blog to promote, without a video to showcase, or without a landing page to point to – is unlikely to yield many – if any results. Content is the star of the show, the rest of the tools (PPC, email marketing etc.) are vehicles to get that star on-stage and in front of the audience.

In fact, content marketing is so important it has its own page on our website – so if you want to learn more, click here.

Are you ready to grow your business with us?

We offer packages based on your needs and goals. There will never be any price surprises from us, our work is transparent with no hidden costs.


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